Lolly Talk - NA 7
從《8SEC》到《四方帽之約 》,Z世代大勢女團Lolly Talk🍭出道短短一年已經勇奪叱咤「生力軍組合銀獎」,並憑2023年年初推出,由周國賢作曲、小克填詞的《七姊妹星團》拿下三台冠軍歌的位置。除了在音樂上有各種突破,嘗試各類型曲風外。她們在不各方面也不斷在挑戰自我,找尋屬於LT的女團道路。在八位女生追夢的過程中,Nostalgia Audio也不忘給予支持。在剛剛過去的Lolly Talk一周年見面會和維港水上音樂會及各個大型音樂中,八位成員也分別用上特別訂製的NA 7客製耳機。八隻由LT成員親自設計及挑選的耳機也代表了她們對音樂的態度和堅持。再次感謝Lolly Talk對Nostalgia Audio客製耳機的信任。 Photo by jackychungphotography
Lolly Talk - NA 7
從《8SEC》到《四方帽之約 》,Z世代大勢女團Lolly Talk🍭出道短短一年已經勇奪叱咤「生力軍組合銀獎」,並憑2023年年初推出,由周國賢作曲、小克填詞的《七姊妹星團》拿下三台冠軍歌的位置。除了在音樂上有各種突破,嘗試各類型曲風外。她們在不各方面也不斷在挑戰自我,找尋屬於LT的女團道路。在八位女生追夢的過程中,Nostalgia Audio也不忘給予支持。在剛剛過去的Lolly Talk一周年見面會和維港水上音樂會及各個大型音樂中,八位成員也分別用上特別訂製的NA 7客製耳機。八隻由LT成員親自設計及挑選的耳機也代表了她們對音樂的態度和堅持。再次感謝Lolly Talk對Nostalgia Audio客製耳機的信任。 Photo by jackychungphotography
Yangpa - NA 7
Yangpa is a renowned South Korean singer who rose to fame in the 1990s. She is known for her powerful vocals and emotional ballad-style songs. Despite taking a break in...
Yangpa - NA 7
Yangpa is a renowned South Korean singer who rose to fame in the 1990s. She is known for her powerful vocals and emotional ballad-style songs. Despite taking a break in...
Noel - NA 5 & NA 12
Breaking Through the Comfort Zone - Noel @ Cozy SyndromeNoel is the drummer of Cozy Syndrome, a Hong Kong-based all-female band known for their Japanese rock-inspired music. The band members...
Noel - NA 5 & NA 12
Breaking Through the Comfort Zone - Noel @ Cozy SyndromeNoel is the drummer of Cozy Syndrome, a Hong Kong-based all-female band known for their Japanese rock-inspired music. The band members...
Trista Ng - NA 12
Rising from the Depths - Trista Ng @goodnight.lillie Trista is the drummer of the Hong Kong band Goodnight Lilie. Since middle school, she has been immersed in the sound of drums,...
Trista Ng - NA 12
Rising from the Depths - Trista Ng @goodnight.lillie Trista is the drummer of the Hong Kong band Goodnight Lilie. Since middle school, she has been immersed in the sound of drums,...
Gyubin - NA 12
Gyubin is a rising K-pop female singer. From the age of 12, she has been uploading self-accompanied singing videos on her YouTube channel, showcasing her outstanding vocal skills beyond her...
Gyubin - NA 12
Gyubin is a rising K-pop female singer. From the age of 12, she has been uploading self-accompanied singing videos on her YouTube channel, showcasing her outstanding vocal skills beyond her...
Gordon Flanders - NA 7
Viewing music as a way to document growth and the world around, blending experiences into new impacts.Gordon Flanders, a singer-songwriter from Hong Kong, has been making a name for himself...
Gordon Flanders - NA 7
Viewing music as a way to document growth and the world around, blending experiences into new impacts.Gordon Flanders, a singer-songwriter from Hong Kong, has been making a name for himself...